Monday, August 17, 2009



John wasn't about to have an open house. I had a hard time convincing him that it would be fun. It took a lot of badgering before he finally consented. He was glad we did it for him. He enjoyed visiting with all our old and new friends. Thank you Shannon, Nicole and Soupie for all your help with the kids and food preparations. Thank you Mike and Brandt for visiting and helping with the guests. Thank you Larry for taking the pictures. The Open House went perfect.

Opening gifts from children before the Open House, Cole loved Papa's cards

John and I enjoyed our company so much!
These were the only pictures I took, I haven't looked at Larry's yet, I look forward to putting them into my scrapbook


H & E Joel said...

Now we feel less safe having John retire from the military! Congratulations!
Just keep him out of that rocking chair, he's too young for that.
Greetings to your family,
Herman & Elfriede

My brother in Texas and I are trying out this type blog, ours is
(just started, not as nice as yours)

Natalie and Jay said...

Talk about busy! You sure have had a lot to blog about. I'm loving reading it all!

Nicole said...

we had so much fun, I am so glad we were able to come. yummy food too!