Monday, March 2, 2009


5th file - 5th picture
This picture was in my folder that I am suppose to put on my blog. Soupie and Brandt tagged me the other day. I hope I did this right. The picture is of John, Shannon, Logan and myself. This is at John's retirement celebration. The look on his face was a little melancholy.......or was he just thinking "Great, I'm retiring from one job only to start another"! WHAT A MAN!

He was offered a government contract job which he only works about 30 feet away from his old office. I blogged about his retirement a few months ago.

So now I'm tagging: RONNI JEAN

Go to your 3rd file, 3rd picture and put it on your blog. (I'm only asking for the 3rd file because if you are like me I don't have that many files yet)



Giggles Nichols said...

Thanks for the TAG! I am starting to find this blogging thing a little easier to do sence they called me to type up the ward program every week. So I check the blogs after I work on the program.
I Tagged Bekee!!!! Love you guys!

brandt and soupie strong said...

donna i never did noctice that look on johns face when i looked at that picture. my dad had that same look, like what am i going to do now. thank you.

Nicole said...

good sport donna! I like this picture. shannons legs are super skinny I always tell mike hopefully our daughter or daughters will get your family's skinny legs!!