Monday, August 2, 2010

July 9th - 11th St.George..................................................... Saying Goodbye to John & Gloria

A view from the Armenian border
Mount Ararat is believed to be the resting place of Noah's Ark

Yerevan Armenia Humanitarian Mission
Brother & Sister Rich

Family dinner to celebrate and say good-bye to the Richs'

Some of Gloria's kids

Jeans three (and only) granddaughters
Savannah, Mackenzie and Madison
John's welcoming family and friends to the dinner celebration

Lining up for dinner, Richards family in the background & to the right

Gloria's girls/ Rachael, Becca, Tonya & Roni Jean

Brothers and sisters/Renae, Steve, Shirley, Vince, Jean & John

Gloria, Shirley & RenaeJean & Vinces son Travis(right) and Grandson Saxton(left). The day before this celebration, Travis put himself(and his police car)between a runaway convicts car and innocent people, (a mom with her baby in a stroller included) who were walking down the street. The convict was headed straight for the people as Travis saw what was about to happen he drove his car in front of the convicts car. Travis's car was hit instead of the people, thank Heavens Travis was okay. He saved lives that day. They call him a hero, so do I.

Jean and Gloria (beautiful sisters)

Putnam sisters and brother/Donna, Jean, Gloria & Steve


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