Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tayler's 3rd Birthday---May 2, 2010


Soupie, Brandt, Carlee and Soupie's mom, Gayla did a great job with Tayler's birthday party. Family members were invited to this big event. Everyone pitched in with the food.
The party was at the club house.
Soupie and Brandt

The gift table
Tayler was so excited to open up her presents. She got a lot of nice things
The Strong cousins, Dresden, Collin, Sydney and Logan
Tayler was so excited to get the Zhu Zhu pets from Nana and Papa
She was most excited about her new bike /Carlee's helping her with it
There she goes!
She had a puppy dog face cake
Great job blowing out the candles
The Princess Castle Pinata, right before it met it's fate
Tayler loved hitting the Pinata
It is about to explode! LOTS of candy for all the cousins
Everyone for him/herself!


Nicole said...

Happy happy birthday Tayler! We wish we could have been there! You are such a beautiful girl! We hope we get to see you guys this summer! Love Mike, Nikki, Savannah, Cole and Creed.

Natalie and Jay said...

Such a big girl now! We love you, Tayler!