Tuesday, May 4, 2010

GLAD WE ARE DONE!----------April 30th

We were glad that we had our old home available for Grandpa Bill and Grandma Ellen. They moved in while Grandpa was recovering from his fall. Now that they are back home we considered selling the home, but there was a lady in the old ward that needed a place, so we decided to rent to her. Before John's parents moved in we worked hard to paint the bedrooms and kitchen. The cupboards were so ugly, so they were painted also, we cleaned and wiped down the walls etc. Grandpa and Grandma enjoyed staying in the home for six months, they really appreciated being close to family while Grandpa re-cooperated. After they moved out and we decided to rent the home again John also decided that it was time to get rid of the old stove (36-37 years old). In order to put a new stove in we had to pull out the bottom cupboards. The old stove was a drop in and an ugly gold color. We tried to paint it white to match the other appliances, it was okay, but just not what we felt was needed for our new renter. As you can see the work turned out to be more frustrating and time consuming than we thought it would be. We had about ten days to get it ready. As our son-in-law would say "Aint nothin ever easy". We also pulled the paneling down in the master bedroom, and painted the wall. That was a nightmare because of the glue on the wall. It would have been easier to just put up new sheet rock and put in new cupboards, but alas we finished on time (the day before our renter moved in). She is loving the home and we are so happy that she is enjoying it. Thank you to our wonderful children for helping us. We love you!

Don't ever put back old cupboards, they are never the same!
When putting in the new counter we discovered uneven walls

John deserves a metal for endurance after this project! The old kitchen never looked so good!

We even put in a new sink!

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